Acer palmatum 'Dixie Spirit'

Acer palmatum 'Dixie Spirit'

from $35.00

Acer palmatum ‘Dixie Spirit’ is one of several different dissectum varieties that grows more upright rather than weeping. My father once told me that if anyone could ever discover a red version of ‘Seiryu’, then they would be a millionaire. While, I’ve learned that this was probably hyperbole, I have long been searching for a tree that fit this description. There are several trees currently on the market that come close such as ‘Lionheart’ and ‘English Lace’ but neither of these varieties have quite the same upward growth as ‘Seiryu’.

‘Dixie Spirit’ is our introduction that fits into this category. ‘Dixie Spirit’ grows decidedly upright at least while young. We are still monitoring the tree to see if the upright habit continues in perpetuity. ‘Dixie Spirit’ shows off a gorgeous crimson red color in the spring while fading to a bronze or olive green in the summer. This tree shows out once again in the fall with bright red foliage. ‘Dixie Spirit’ can handle full sun even in Georgia with minimal leaf burn.

10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet

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