Acer palmatum 'Dark Ghost'

Acer palmatum 'Dark Ghost'

from $35.00

Acer palmatum ‘Dark Ghost’ is the newest member of the “Ghost” series. ‘Dark Ghost’ is a reticulated Japanese maple just like the rest of the “Ghosts”. Unsurprisingly, ‘Dark Ghost’ has the darkest purple leaves of any of the other ghost varieties. ‘Dark Ghost’ is even a darker purple than ‘Purple Ghost’. ‘Dark Ghost’ also has a larger leaf than many of the other ghost varieties. Acer palmatum ‘Dark Ghost’ leafs out in the spring with a deep purple-red color with reticulated veining. This color holds pretty well into the summer even if the reticulation doesn’t. Fall color is a bright red.

10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet

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