Discovered as a witches broom on a 100-year-old atropurpureum by Dick Wolf of Red Maple Nurseries in the early 1980's, this compact dwarf maple has become a favorite of maple enthusiasts and gardeners all over the world. Very upright when young 'Shaina' begins to widen with age. I have grown this wonderful little cultivar in full sun even in Decatur, GA although like most Japanese maples it would appreciate some break from the sun during the day in hotter climates. Leaves appear nice red in the spring, a true red and not the purple of some cultivars. Though reported to hold its color all summer long in some parts of the world, by mid summer in our climate leaves turn bronze or green but then new red growth appears at the branch tips. Fall color is a very attractive bright red.

10 year size: Height: 3-5 Feet   Width: 3-4 Feet